Greeting Cards that Don’t Break the Bank 

Our calendar has been filled with celebrations such as graduations, Mother's Day, Father's Day, weddings and birthdays. On top of these celebrations, there are often thank-you notes and encouraging words to share with others. I realized early on that buying a separate card for each celebration was going to cost a small fortune. Okay, maybe not that bad, but I would like to share a small trick with you that is often just as meaningful if not more meaningful for the recipient.  

I purchase blank cards or simple multi-packs of graduation or birthday cards to simplify the process. There is power in the words that we speak (or in this case write). We each have the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with a heart-felt message. Using blank cards or having simple graduation and birthday cards on hand makes sending that heart-felt message quick and easy. There is no need to run to the store and spend hours reading through the different cards only to find that none of the cards really say what is truly in your heart. There is no need to be concerned with how much it is going to cost financially to send this encouragement. Instead, you can have easy access to the blank cards right in your home ready to share for whatever occasion you need it for. 

I hope this tip encourages you to get out there and let people know how much they mean to you no matter what the occasion may be! 


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